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  1. i already tried several times but it always say this number s already connected to a fiver account. what does this mean... thank you..
  2. I tried verifying my phone number several times but it says this number is already connected to a fiver account.. what does this mean..
  3. what are the reasons why a gig cannot be published...
  4. Hi.. I am a newbie here and I hope someone would have time to answer my query. I still cannot publish my first gig despite the fact that i have been approved of my w9. when I returned back to work on the same it says that i need to verify my phone number which I did but after inputing my number it says that the number is already associated with gig.. I tried using another number until it says that i have reached the limit and come back after 24 hours. What could be the problem with the number why it is not accepting and makes it not possible of publishing my gig. I also have an old account using another gmail before but already forgot the details and so i created this new one... could this be one of the reasons... Thank you very much and hope to hear from the community soo. sam_perspective
  5. I am a newbie and just created my account and created my first gig but when i tried to publish it says about the W9. I am residing in the Philippines and therefore not a US person however despite checking the no box as instructed and told as compliant, still i cannot publish... what could be the reason.. I hope I can get a professional advice here ...Thank you for accommodating a newbie like me...
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