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  1. UPDATE I was finally contacted by customer service about the original issue of not being able to verify my account. I was told that the flagging of my account was most likely an automated response by the system. I was able to do the identity verification and my account has been unsuspended. Everything seems to be back to normal so far.
  2. A few days ago I got an email from fiverr saying I needed to verify my identity and that my account has been restricted. The only way to verify this is by phone with a QR code or as SMS link. I tried both methods but the fiverr app doesn't give the option to allow permission to my camera so I can take a picture of my ID. Support ticket was sent (#11907503) and I have yet to receive a response from support. This was two days ago. I have since noticed that my account was flagged for some reason. I have no idea why. I don't know if this is related. but the next day I received an email from fiverr saying my level dropped back down to level 1. I read through the policies and saw nothing that I think I'm guilty of violating. I also read that fiverr issues warnings via email if your account is flagged for inappropriate conduct. I never received such a warning email. After you receive additional warnings, then the account is disabled. Again, I never received one warning, much less 2 or 3 so I don't know what I may have done to get my account disabled. Coincidentally, in the days leading up to my account being restricted, I had been receiving numerous spam messages in my inbox. Several a day actually. I reported these message to support and have not received one since. I can't help but think that some malicious user is being vindictive and purposely flagged my account or something. I rely on this freelance gig as a source of income. I just really need someone to contact me and explain why this has happened and what I can do to resolve this issue.
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