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  1. @ana_tomy Thanks Ana! I hope i will get proper justice by Fiverr Team
  2. @arafatcoco I already contact with them and ask them to review my all orders and rating and all over account. But they have not responded yet to mail.
  3. @filipdevaere No I have always followed fiverr TOS rules. Last month Fiverr warned me for thr same reason when i contact with fiverr support and told them to review my whole account again and they did and Found no violation. After that they Removed my Warning.
  4. @helali009 i Have done nothing wrong as far i know. I have always followed Fiverr rules . Fiverr warned me and they say My account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels. But i have never done such thing. I have reached fiverr support and said that i did not break any Fiverr TOS but they have not responsed yet.
  5. Hi there, I got a warning today and its say that my account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels. In july 1 month ago i was got warned by fiverr for showing the same reason then i contacted with fiverr team , even i posted here about it too on forum . Later fiverr team reviewed my account and i was found inocent and my warning was withdrawn. But Today I got warning for the same reason and the reason showed " my account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels". But I have never done such a thing. Iam working on Website SEO Category in fiverr since 2022 and i have always followed fiverr rules and guidelines I think there has been a mistake . I got warning without any reason again. I have reached fiverr support and asked them to Review my acount bcz iam totally inocent here but have not got any response yet. I request to fiverr team to review my all my orders and rating Again to ensure it. Hope for the best Best Regards
  6. Hi there! I Have got warning on "purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase rating and or levels". I have been working on fiverr on website SEO Category since july 2022. I have always followed fiverr rules and guidelines. So, I know that selling with the intent to falsely on fiverr to increase rating or levels are against Fiverr TOS. I have never taken any fake review to increase rating or Level. Still i got an warning today and my level are being on hold. I had requested a ticket about it and fiverr team response to me once and told me to reply the mail if there wasn't a violation of Fiverr Terms of Service on my account. I replied the mail to review my account again but 24h passed still have not got any reply. I Request to fiverr team to review my account and my order and level history again bcz iam totally innocent here and still being warned. Please do something i beg Best regards
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