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  1. Good news! Finally, I got my account back. Thank you all for helping me on this including the team. I really appreciate that. 🥳🎉
  2. Now it's saying I'm going to lost my seller level meantime. It only give me 30 days to gain it back but I don't know when can I recover my account back 😥r level meantime
  3. @creative_howl Yes, Yesterday I contacted customer support regarding this and no any response till now. Hope they will look into it soon.
  4. I'm level 2 UI/UX designer since 2022. Everything was smoother till today morning. Today morning someone hacked my account and sent spam links to other sellers. After few hours later my account was disabled by Fiverr temporarily. It's not on my purpose and I didn't do anything by myself. I immediately changed my password and logged out of all devices. Also this is my only income way. I created the support request and no one answer yet. I'm scared because I can't loss my whole career I built since past two years. If anyone experienced this and what was the outcome? Can I recover my account back?
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