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  1. I didn't get any mail but the notification on Fiver, it's about discussing ratings in the chatbox! so I was unaware of that and got the warning, obviously, I will not do that in the future. But it takes me too long to remove the warning and I will get stuck on the 0 level even if I can move to the level to in next few days !
  2. I received a warning from Fiverr that will expire at the end of October. Is there any way to remove the warning? Also, can we purchase Fiverr's Seller Plus subscription if there's a warning on the account, and will buying the Seller Plus help to remove the warning from the account early?
  3. Today I searched for sellers on the Fiver mobile app and saw two types of ratings on the Fiverr app! One is the searched sellers list and the second is the profile. I noticed that some sellers have a 1.7 rating in the list but on the account, they have a 5.0 rating! What does it mean and what is meant by the rating on the list?
  4. Sorry but i am still unclear about the rating in the Snapshot! Can you please clear it a bit. On what basis this rating is defined. The rating under username based upon the gigs rating so on what basis this snapshot rating is working.
  5. Today i search for sellers on Fiver mobile app and i see that there are two type of ratings on fiverr app! One is the searched sellers list and second on the profile. I noticed that some sellers have 1.7 rating in list but on the account they have 5.0 rating! What foes it means and what is means by the rating on the list. I have attached a screenshot please check!
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