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  1. @Lena it's been 3 weeks since I heard back from support, since my account will be permanently closed, what should I do if my account is closed with an open ticket. Will I still be able to communicate or get a response? What steps should I take?
  2. @LenaThank you. My account will be permanently disabled by 7th August. It would be best if I get a response or a solution before then because after that date I will not be able to contact support.
  3. @milos_siena @ana_tomythank you for getting back. They already temporarily disabled my account and told me it will be permanently closed after 60days. The 60 days will end on 7th August, so I have a few days till then. My fear is that when the account is closed I will no longer be able to reach to support, so it would be best if they solve the issue before then. Is there a way you could talk to them so that they can get back to me before the account is closed
  4. Hi @Lena @Kesha it's been 12 days and I haven't gotten any response to my ticket #11865922. Why is support not responding, could you kindly follow up. Is it possible that they have disregarded my ticket and ignored it?
  5. Hi @Lena it's been 12 days and I haven't gotten any response to my ticket #11865922. Why is support not responding, could you kindly follow up. Is it possible that they have disregarded my ticket and ignored it?
  6. Hey Fiverr Community, I'm curious to know, has anyone ever experienced an issue of their withdrawal option being disabled? I'm not able to withdraw my funds or connect my Payooner and it says that I need contact support. I have contacted them but it's been 10days now and they have not resolved the issue. If you have experienced this before, was your issue resolved and what steps did you take?
  7. Hi @Lena Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate you looking into this and providing a response. I have been patient and waited for someone to reach out for about a week now. I checked my ticket today and it seemed that it was automatically marked as solved. I might open another ticket and the same thing might happen. Could you kindly follow up on the ticket and why it was marked as complete even though I didn't receive a response. #11865922
  8. Hi @Lena Thank you for the response. It has just taken longer than expected to provide an update on the ticket. Should I expect to receive a response soon?
  9. Has anyone experienced such issue before?
  10. Hey @Lena @Kesha My withdrawal option was disabled and I'm not able to link a payout methods and withdraw the funds available, the reason was they had detected suspicious activities. I opened a ticket which they answered but afterwards I sent my message and it's been one week one and I'm yet to hear from Customer Support. My ticket had been marked as solved then later opened. Are you able to follow up or provide advice on the next steps that I should take? My ticket number is #11865922
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