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  1. Hello everyone, I need your help. My account got flagged 2 weeks ago and after reaching CS, I received the following response: ''After reviewing your account again with our relevant team, we found that the order in question violates our Terms of Service regarding abusing our product tools to boost your account's reviews and ratings. All reviews must come from legitimate sales, therefore this warning will remain''. They sent 2 orders where AI algorithm noticed something unusual going on- different buyers from the same country, similar usernames and one user who's new to Fiverr. I’ve read on the forum that some people experienced similar issues when an order came from a new account, was small or completed too quickly. In my case, both orders were worth $5 each and the second one was purchased by a new user. If this is the reason why my account got flagged ( I am not sure since I never received a clear response), what can I do to prove that I did nothing wrong? I grew my business organically and already have more than enough reviews ( over 500, 99% of which are 5 star ratings).
  2. Thanks a lot for your response!
  3. Hi everyone, I need help regarding a recent account suspension notification I got from Fiverr. After doing my routine work, I woke up with an email saying that my account got flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels. I am left without a clear explanation as I have never attempted to do such things. I tried contacting Customer Service, but only got AI generated responses. It's been 4 days and nobody from CS has contacted me yet. Has anyone had a similar experience? if so, how were you able to resolve it? I have worked so hard on this account for the past 2.5 yrs, only for it to be taken away in a day.
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