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  1. I mean, do you think I own the capability to bag orders?
  2. I wrote it myself. I wanted to be professional.
  3. So do you think I'll not be able to bag orders? And why do you think these are awkward? I've provided samples as well.
  4. Have you gone through my gig? Which gig of mine have you gone through?
  5. But Mam, no I put a lot of effort to make this.
  6. But Mam, I wrote all of those by myself. These are not AI-generated.
  7. So do you think I'm inappropriate?
  8. You mean new gigs are given chances for the first 2 to 5 days? or every month's 2 to 5 days?
  9. Sir, it's not AI generated. Please don't say like this. It's all I wrote myself. I don't need to rely on those. I have a strong hold on English,
  10. Hey all, I have my proofreading and copyediting gigs on Fiverr for the last one and a half months. I had good impressions but in the last 24 hours two gigs of mine out of four had 0 impression. I don't know the reason. This is the first time I'm facing this. I have all the things like presenting strong sample works, effective gig images, proper keywords and most surprisingly typing my gig titles my gigs are seen on the front page. So what's the reason behind this? I'm a newbie and also I have neither a degree or certification, but what I own is a strong grasp over English. So what would you think guys?
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