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  1. Ok...Gotcha! Thank you so much for your explanation! I contacted my bank to alert them for possible fraud on the card which I had inputted in the link.... Not exactly happy about that ... Some people really need to find better things to do. Thanks again for you reply! 🙏
  2. Hi Everyone! I created my first gig last week, and since then, I have received 2 messages in my inbox with link asking me to connect so I can receive my payments- which I thought it might make sense because I had not linked any forms of payment on my account. And at the same time, when I read the first message from HelpSupport, with AI generated message numerous icons, something tells me it is not a proper or professional message from Fiverr which left me questioning if it's real or legit. Can someone please tell me how first order comes in? And where do I setup receiving payments? Also, if those two messages are scams- how come these users can use HelpSupport as their User name? Can I trust using this site moving forward? Your help is much appreciated.
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