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  1. Fortunately, the order is auto completed and the buyer is still offline. I will keep the points you told in future, Thanks !!
  2. Client placed order for 11 video edits, he has only sent me 10 raw videos, after completing all 10 edits (he wanted 1 edit per day, which I shared him through WeTransfer website), i asked him to send me 11th raw video to edit, and he ain't replying now from last 5 days, and today was due date for delivery so I sent him all 10 video edits as final delivery, and wrote if he wants last video to be edited , then he can request revision, is that right thing to do?, i have attached the SS as well. Thanks!
  3. At start you will receive many scam messages like I used to get, just ignore them, Fiverr will automatically detect and block the conversation
  4. I have delivered the order to buyer by deliver now option, but there's no response from him, I know it will automatically marked as completed after 3 days, but I am worried that there will be no review, and in my Gig it will not show as well, what shall i do now?
  5. I created custom offer for 5 video edits, and now 1 edit is done, how shall i send the edit, through chat or shall i click on deliver now but i have 4 edits remaining . The total delivery time is 7 days, for 5 edits, but buyers needs to conform 1 edit per day and wants to post. What shall I do, please help anyone
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