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  1. After Submitting the query, I received this Answer, "Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. We understand you tried to open a Seller profile on Fiverr, and received our response explaining your request wasn't approved. You're welcome to continue using Fiverr as a buyer. If there is anything else we can help you with, please let us know" Since then I have asked them what the exact issue is. So, that I can resolve it, but I didn't receive any answer from 4 days.
  2. Hi Community, Few days ago, I received an email for seller profile not approved. I asked About this directly to fiverr, but didn't receive any solution to change the status. Is there any method which can help me to change the status. So that, I can start working.
  3. How can I contact the Fiverr support team because I want ask the issues in my seller profile. So that, I can resolve the issues and get it approved.
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