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  1. but why did they say that, i'm getting banned permanently if i'm still under review? how does that work
  2. Oh yeah how did that happen so fast? I didn't even finish any orders on those 5 days. So how would a false review even be possible?
  3. Yeah i mean it's been like 20 days since I got the 2 warnings in the same day. I don't how you can get a warning twice without even using the account.
  4. Yeah i'm hoping fiverr staff will reply to this thread too, since that's what seems to get the best results on this forum.
  5. I've already tried it and after a back-and-forth of like 2 messages, they're not replying anymore, or they just send the same botted messages. I've seen accounts who got a similar experience like this and got their account restored, I'm hoping it'll be the same.
  6. My account on Fiverr, where I've been active for nearly a year and completed close to 100 orders, was suddenly banned without any clear reason. I received a warning about false reviewing, which surprised me as I had no idea where this accusation came from. It might be related to a client who repeatedly left similar reviews and kept ordering from me. However, I don't understand why this led to a ban. I'm uncertain about how to proceed to regain access to my account, especially since Fiverr's responses seem automated. If anyone has faced a similar situation or knows how to handle it effectively, I would appreciate any advice or insights you can share.
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