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  1. Thank you @Lena, I have contacted the Fiverr Team and followed the steps guided by the Fiverr Team. Now my problem has been resolved. Thank you very much
  2. I want to change my number. When I changed the number, they asked me security questions, but unfortunately I forgot the security questions. Can you tell me how to change the number? I signed up for Fiverr in 2020, and just activated it again this year, After fixing my profile and adding gigs, there was some work that came into my gigs. When I wanted to withdraw, I realized that I needed to confirm the number, either via SMS or by telephone, and unfortunately the number I used to register for a Fiverr account is no longer active. Now I want to replace it with a new number. Can you tell me how to change the number? Thank You
  3. I experienced the same problem as you, by asking the Fiverr team did you get it resolved?
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