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  1. Hey everyone. I had pretty much finished editing my gig and all I was missing was taking the fiverr english test. I scored a 9.5, or 38 out of 40 questions right. However, now fiverr (the publish section of my gig) says "you just need to complete the following requirements before you start selling" and shows this: "Your Gig will remain in draft mode until you complete this test. Please wait 92 days to retake this test." As if I had not only already completed the test, but scored well on it. I read around online and apparently the highest passing score for some gigs is 9.0, but I got higher than that, so I don't understand what the issue is. I'm kind of upset because not only did I use my personal time taking the test, but I also wanted to publish my gig as soon as possible and now the platform is saying I'll have to wait another month and a half. Has this happened to anyone before? Is there anything I can do to prove to fiverr I scored a 9.5? I have no idea if my test results were saved because it's not letting me access the page again.
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