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  1. let me explain my point, I have used low competition keywords to get first order faster, the low competition keywords are those where not much order and not much gigs are there, but they still getting some orders for that keyword, My opinion was to rank first on low competition keywords get some orders and then rank on high competition keywords that's why I used both in my gig. But this is not working for me, is there anything else I can do for better rank? Your opinion is very helpful for me. Thank you
  2. I have used mix keywords like high competition and low competition
  3. I have used mix keywords like high competition and low competition
  4. Thanks for your kind reply, I think you are right but I also used some keywords that has low competition.
  5. Thank you so much for your kind opinion, I will apply these step by step, hope this will work for me.
  6. I'm new seller on fiverr for past 3 months and didn't get single order, I need your help to came out of this situation what should I do. https://www.fiverr.com/s/5r0qL9E
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