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  1. There is no such message like asked me to edit DOB...How can you say that i agreed to it?
  2. Ok i got a reply from fiverr which is not a fair... They are saying yes i was agreed to changed the date on official document originally i have not. I still have proof of inbox conversation with buyer...Bu they are saying i agreed to edit it.. FIVERR IS PALYING GAMES WITH INNOCENT SELLERS THEY ARE BANNING SELLERS LIKE WITHOUT ANY CAUSE... FIVERR NEEDS TO RESPOND ON THIS!!!! WHY I NEED TO BE SILENCE ON THIS...Can someone help on this please???
  3. I am sure i have not violated any of fiverr rules...I will immediately block if buyer seems suspicious..Fiverr team is not telling me the exact mistake i have done...
  4. I already maintained the fiverr rules..They are not saying the mistake of i done
  5. I already did but they are not responding properly
  6. But they are saying account will permanently restricted after 60 days instead of saying what is the problem
  7. I did but they are replying me with same answer again and again instead of showing me the mistake i have done...As i know i have not done any mistake
  8. Why its taking so long to review my account...Eventhough i have not done any mistake?
  9. I have not done anything mate...I am sure this was done due some technical glitch Also i very aware of fiverr community standards..I will never offer are sell anything which are against fiverr rules
  10. hey did you get any response from fiverr?
  11. Hello can you any help me? Yesterday i was working on project and suddenly i got confused about the work so i came to message the buyer and it shows "Your account is currently restricted. You cannot message this time"...I am very sure i have not done any mistake also i have not violated any community standards on fiverr...I am pretty sure this was made by some technical glitch...I also messaged fiver CS about this and i was waiting for their reply now...Does anyone went through this situation?
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