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  1. thank you !! i will update them :))
  2. Hi 🙂 I'm on Fiverr since January 2024 and I still got no customers other than scammers. I even worked with a scammer before but don't worry, I didn't lose any money. Do you have any tip on how I can get customers? Should I just continue waiting? note: I took a long break because of my exams, like 3-4 months. I got back on Fiverr like 4-5 days ago.
  3. i got a message like this and i even clicked the link and then tried to give my credit card info but then i decided not to verify. it says my acc is blocked but i keep getting inbox messages? is this real?
  4. A client asked for my email addess, and I deleted the conversation as i thought that was a scam. They sent me this screenshot. Is this real or scam?
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