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  1. hello akif, it will be resolve soon i hope, you should get a ticket from fiverr support and be patience they will take care of it.
  2. hi @ana_tomy this is really a serious issue, there are many cases being reported on forum.
  3. hello Akif, you are not alone into this there are many other facing the same issue right now. Same thing happened with me 2 days ago and I was a level 2 seller.
  4. hello haris, did you find anything to resolve this issue or got any update from fiverr??
  5. I think there is missive breach in fiverr security, my account was under a malware attach and suspended, the scammers or hacker what ever you call it, is using real fiverr account like mine to send this kind of messages to every one, I can call it a (host account). when the account is banned it move to a new host. I'm a victim not a scammer.
  6. Urgent Help Needed: Fiverr Account Suspended Due to Suspected Malware Attack Hi everyone, I'm reaching out to seek your advice and support regarding a serious issue I've encountered with my Fiverr account. Earlier today, June 22, 2024, my Fiverr account (username: @bilawalkhan559) was suspended under unusual circumstances, and I believe it was due to a malware attack. Here's what happened: My account started sending out an automated message to numerous Fiverr users without my consent. The message was as follows: "✅ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 🟢 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 "do anything in ms office, ms excel, ms powerpoint, ms access" product has been purchased by a user of our website, please be advised that we are testing a manual notification system for new orders to prevent fraud and facilitate communication with the buyer. 🟢 payment method: MasterCard 🟢 your product has been paid by the customer, you need to confirm receipt of funds (the link to confirm and receive funds, we will send in the next automated message) 🔥 and remember, never go to other messengers, continue to communication on our platform. ❗️ this message is automatic, after you receive the payment and confirm your banking information, we will send a notification to your customer. fiverr support After noticing this, I received an email from Fiverr to change my password, which I did immediately. Despite taking action, my gigs were denied, my funds were transferred, and eventually, my account was suspended. Here is the message I received from Fiverr Support: "Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to us. After careful consideration, we've disabled your Fiverr account for violating our Community Standards policies. During the next 60 days, you will still be able to communicate with your existing buyers via the active order page and access any available or pending clearance funds for withdrawal. Please be aware that after the 60-day period, your account will be permanently suspended. You can read more about your account suspension and withdrawing funds in our Help Center. Best regards, The Fiverr Support Team" I am confident that my account was compromised and that this is part of a larger issue potentially affecting other Fiverr users. I have tried to reach out to Fiverr Support but keep receiving the same response without any resolution. I'm hoping to get some advice from the community here: Has anyone else experienced something similar? What steps did you take to resolve it? How can I escalate this issue with Fiverr to ensure a thorough investigation? Attached are screenshots of the unauthorized messages sent from my account and the Fiverr support message regarding my suspension. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. I value my relationship with Fiverr and am eager to get this resolved as soon as possible. Thank you for your support. Best regards, Bilawal (Fiverr username: @bilawalkhan559)
  7. hi!! my name is Bilawal, same thing happened with me I'm also a level 2 seller and here is the message that i send to fiverr support please help me. I work day and night to become a level 2 seller now it vanished in snap. Dear Fiverr Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Bilawal, and I am writing to bring to your urgent attention a critical issue regarding my Fiverr account (username: @bilawalkhan559), which was suspended today, June 22, 2024. Earlier today, my account started sending out an automated message to numerous Fiverr users without my consent. The message read: ________________________________ "✅ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 🟢 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 "do anything in ms office, ms excel, ms powerpoint, ms access" product has been purchased by a user of our website, please be advised that we are testing a manual notification system for new orders to prevent fraud and facilitate communication with the buyer. 🟢 payment method: MasterCard 🟢 your product has been paid by the customer, you need to confirm receipt of funds (the link to confirm and receive funds, we will send in the next automated message) 🔥 and remember, never go to other messengers, continue to communication on our platform. ❗️ this message is automatic, after you receive the payment and confirm your banking information, we will send a notification to your customer. fiverr support" Upon noticing this unusual activity, I immediately changed my password as advised in an email from Fiverr. However, following this, my gigs were denied, my funds were transferred, and my account was suspended. I received the following message from Fiverr Support: ________________________________ "Hi there, Thank you for reaching out to us. After careful consideration, we've disabled your Fiverr account for violating our Community Standards policies. During the next 60 days, you will still be able to communicate with your existing buyers via the active order page and access any available or pending clearance funds for withdrawal. Please be aware that after the 60-day period, your account will be permanently suspended. You can read more about your account suspension and withdrawing funds in our Help Center. Best regards, The Fiverr Support Team" I believe my account has been compromised by a malware attack, causing it to send these unauthorized messages. I am confident that this incident is not isolated, and there may be other users affected by similar attacks. I kindly request that you review my account and the unusual activity that led to its suspension. Attached to this email, you will find screenshots of the unauthorized messages sent from my account and the Fiverr support message regarding my suspension. I deeply value my relationship with Fiverr and the platform’s commitment to security. Please investigate this matter urgently and restore my account access. I am ready to provide any additional information required to assist with your investigation. Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical issue. Best regards, Bilawal (Fiverr username: @bilawalkhan559)
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