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  1. Nothing yet, they have told me to wait till they analyze the situation and make a final decision. Till then, my account has been restricted and flagged.
  2. Seems like there was a massive breach this month. Either the jackers targeted Fiverr, or fiverr security essentials have gone downhill.
  3. Thank you for your response. I will stay in touch, and i hope it will be reciprocated by the support team as well.
  4. Hello. My name is Haris S. and i have been working on fiverr for more than 4 years now. I am a level 2 seller, with 4.9 rating and almost 100 delivered orders, and multiple repeat customers. The reason i said this will come clear after I explain the scenario. On 19 June, evening, i recieved tremendous notifications from fiverr, and when i opened those notifications, it appeared that i had sent spam messages to multiple sellers on fiverr. A well crafted spam message asking for credit card essentials and email address. I immediately changed the password of fiverr account, which stopped the continuous texts to sellers on fiverr. I then logged myself out of all the devices (3 devices plus one additional device that i did not recognize), and then I texted fiverr support about the issue. Meanwhile i texted majority of the people to avoid the text and not to click on any link or try to pay anything. Meanwhile it was pointed to me by a person who recieved spam messages, that my name was "Support" So someone hacked into my account, changed my name to "Support" and sent multiple spa messages. I was temporarily restricted from fiverr after almost 30 to 40 minutes. I sent a detailed email and a text to fiverr support. And after almost 6-10 hours i got a reply from fiverr team acknowledging that i violated TOS and i am permanently restricted from fiverr. Moreover i would be able to commuicate with current buyers and after 60 days my account eill be permanently banned. I texted to fiverr support multiple times with proof but their response is same, bot generated text that says after careful evaluation by the team, i was fond violating the TOS and therefore my account has been banned. My point is, that i worked hard to b a level 2 seller, and i was closing in to be a top rated seller in 3 to 4 months. Why would i try to scam people and shut down my well established and highly ranked fiverr profile? They can definitely compare the IP addresses of the spam messages, and my own location? Is there a way to disban my account? I have provided the proof of malicious activity to fiverr support, but they don't bother. I am attaching the proof here as well. Can someone please tell me what to do or how to attract their attention to take this matter seriously? I shall be grateful!
  5. Any update on the issue? I am asking because the same thing happened to me 3 days ago. I lost the control of my account and spam messages were sent from my account, and they responded to me the same way they did to you. I mean exact copy-paste reply to me as well from support team.
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