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  1. and yes I have contacted Customer Support again but nothing and the previous ticket has been closed despite not being solved
  2. Hi , it's been over 2 weeks... I have been having withdrawal issues..... My account had no flag or anything just unable to withdraw..... i reported it 2 weeks ago and after all the questions and replies.....I was told ....it would be resolved on the 17th June 2024 but nothing was done..... Please Help me cos this is really frustating
  3. @ana_tomy..... ALright Thank you😔
  4. currently having the same issue after I added my Paypal .....both are greyed out and no reply was gotten from Fiverr
  5. hi, @ana_tomymy fiveer account withdrawal was disabled with no reason why it was.....the last activity I recall doing was adding my brother's Paypal account as a beneficiary. Please can your team verify what the issue because I have contacted customer support as instructed but no reply.
  6. hi good day, my account was disabled suddenly and all my past buyers have been satisfied with my work. what am I to do? Cos I don't understand why my withdrawal was disabled with no reason
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