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  1. I contacted customer support but I kelp getting responses, I couldn't reach the real support team probably because the account has been disabled
  2. the account username is shopifyempress, have sent emails to CS but I kept receiving bot responses all the time. please help me @Lena
  3. @Lena or @milos_siena please help
  4. The account has been disabled, do you need me to send my username or something? or is there a way I can join the communicating with a disabled account? Have tried communicating with support but no positive response, seems like I keep getting a response from a bot. Please help @Lena
  5. My account was disabled in November, 2023. After 90 days, a withdrawal link was sent to me February 25, 2024. While trying to withdraw my funds, the account got disabled again with the funds in it and I was sent an email to wait till after 90 days. The 90 days has been completed and even passed but I didn't receive any email from fiverr regarding withdrawal. I contacted support but I didnt get any relevant feedback. Please if you've faced issues related to this, kindly render help. it is over $1000. I need your help, suggestions and advice please. has anyone faced this issue before? (please reply to my post)
  6. thank you so much @Lena please help
  7. My account was disabled in November, 2023. After 90 days, a withdrawal link was sent to me February 25, 2024. While trying to withdraw my funds, the account got disabled again with the funds in it and I was sent an email to wait till after 90 days. The 90 days has been completed and even passed but I didn't receive any email from fiverr regarding withdrawal. I contacted support but I didnt get any relevant feedback. Please if you've faced issues related to this, kindly render help. it is over $1000. I need your help, suggestions and advice please
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