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About md_shakil60

  • Birthday 04/25/1998

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  1. Gig impression are depends different kinds of factor and your presence on the online,if you do not fullfil this all citeria the mpression are automatically reduced so,keep patience and wait your gig impression will be increasing in future
  2. I think the pricing of your gig which is very high for your desired buyers as well as compared to other sellers you need to reduced your service fee.
  3. I ask to all the talented sellers that why gig rank are reduced after editing the gig, if i need to edit some particular region in the gig right this time what should i do for my gig instead of reducing the gig rank
  4. Recently, My profile average response time is increase from 1 hour to 3 days, this is very dissapointed for me,in this situation how can i back my average response time into 1 hour, this average response time was increased by internet problem i was not able to response client knocking, what should i will do in this situation.
  5. How can i get first order.
  6. I have four published gig among them one of my gig cannot showing rank in search page but this gig have nice impression. how way i can increase my gig impresion
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