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  1. I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed with Fiverr's support. After waiting over a month to withdraw my funds, my dispute was marked as resolved with a nonsensical answer. First, I opened a request and received no response for 4 days until I tweeted about it. Finally, when I got a response, I was asked to wait for the proper department. When they eventually contacted me, they requested information, which I promptly provided. Then, I was told to wait again for the another department to contact me. This endless cycle of waiting and passing the buck between departments more than four times is absolutely unacceptable. Today, I received a response from JoJo, stating that my withdrawals will remain disabled and to come back in 10 days for another review. There is no clear reason given for disabling my withdrawals, and this is not a solution. I've already waited long enough, and this additional delay is simply not fair. This is my livelihood at stake, and the lack of effective support and concrete answers is appalling. I've provided all the information to prove my identity and i am willing to have a video call and show my passport if needed as their solutions don't make sense Marking my dispute as resolved with such a vague and unsatisfactory answer feels like a slap in the face. Fiverr, you need to take immediate and serious action to resolve this issue. Your support has been inadequate, and your handling of this situation is far from acceptable. I demand a clear explanation and immediate resolution to access my funds without further delay. This ordeal has been incredibly stressful and is severely impacting my ability to work and earn. Fiverr, do better.
  2. withdrawal disabled. no warning i only changed my email because someone was attempting to rest my password
  3. Hi everyone, I’m reaching out to the community because I’m extremely frustrated with Fiverr’s customer support and I hope sharing my experience here might get some attention or advice. For almost a month now, I’ve been unable to withdraw my earnings. My withdrawals have been blocked without any clear explanation, and despite multiple attempts to get in touch with support, I’ve received no responses. To make matters worse, I recently discovered that someone has been trying to hack my account. Naturally, I raised a dispute about this critical security issue four days ago, but I’ve yet to hear back from Fiverr’s support team. Here are the details: Issue: Blocked withdrawals and unauthorized access attempts Dispute Raised: 4 days ago (still no response) Duration: Almost a month without access to my earnings I’m incredibly disappointed with the lack of communication and support. My earnings are essential for my livelihood, and the security of my account is obviously very important. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? How did you get them resolved? Any advice on how to escalate this matter or get a quicker response from Fiverr support would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for listening and for any help you can provide. Best regards,
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