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  1. Hi, I'm a newcomer to the Fiverr platform. I want to know how I could get my first order on Fiverr.
  2. Welcome to Fiverr forum. Really Fiverr is a giant company nowadays.
  3. Welcome. Nice to meet you too Castro.
  4. Following the Fiverr Terms of Service.
  5. For success in FIverr, you should create your GIG special & need to share the gig via the link on social platforms.
  6. My opinion is that, you have to post in social media reagarding your potential skills & also gig marketing via sharing your gig links in FB, Insta, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter. By that tricks I hope you get more impression in your gigs & hope will be get knocks from respected buyers. You can try it. Best of luck.
  7. Congratulations. ❤️ Keep it up
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