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  1. I am at this stage right now 🙂 yes I already got my first order by my continious effort, I got my first order by posting on social media, but now it is a pause right now, but like everyone else I am also wondering that could I can be that person can I start earning regularly from Fiverr
  2. As a Fiverr Seller Plus user, the keyword search tools frequently suggest changes in keyword statistics, new keywords, and new long-tail keywords almost everyday new stats are there. My question encompasses not just updating keywords but also changing thumbnails, titles, descriptions, and tags. I am aware that best practices recommend updating one element at a time. For example, after updating my thumbnail and noticing some improvements, I now want to update my description. How long should I wait before making this next update to ensure I am optimizing effectively without causing any negative impact on my gig's performance?
  3. I'm curious about navigating Fiverr's search results and was wondering if there's any way to look beyond page 20. When searching for gigs, I often feel limited by only being able to view the first 20 pages. This restriction can be quite frustrating, especially when I'm trying to explore a wider range of options or find specific services. Has anyone discovered a method or trick to access more pages in the search results? Any insights or tips you can share would be greatly appreciated! Let's help each other make the most out of Fiverr's search capabilities.
  4. how can I improve my performance when there is no order? is there anything else I can do to improve it so my gig should rank and I start getting orders?
  5. I'm concerned about my gig's visibility. I copied my gig's full description and searched for it as a keyword on Fiverr. Initially, my gig appeared on page 14. However, when I removed the word "Do" from the start of the description, my gig disappeared from pages 1-20 for the keyword "Package design". I had applied filters for new sellers and online status, and my gig was visible on page 3 three days ago, but now it's not showing up at all. I'm worried about what I did wrong and how Fiverr's algorithm works. Can someone please guide me on when and how I'll see my gig again in search results?
  6. Hello everyone! I'm trying to track the performance of my gig, but I'm not sure how to find out where it's ranking for specific keywords. Can anyone please guide me on how to check my gig's ranking and which tools or methods I can use to monitor its performance? Thank you in advance for your help!
  7. It's fascinating to learn about the experiences of seasoned Fiverr freelancers who have made a successful career solely on the platform. How many of you have transitioned to full-time freelancing on Fiverr and are enjoying a comfortable lifestyle? Feel free to share insights into your journey, including how long you've been freelancing on Fiverr and any tips you have for others aspiring to do the same. Let's celebrate the achievements of those who have found success and stability through their work on Fiverr!
  8. do you think this is not the ideal thing to do, as full time job takes your full time life/freedom
  9. yes that was my original plan but unfortunately I lost my job and still failed to find one so it is my only hope right now
  10. so, for 14 months you have just waited and done nothing ? and how does it going right now
  11. Hi, I need some expert advice. First, I optimized my gig with all the SEO hacks, keywords, and good images, and I'm sharing my gig link on social media. So, what is next? Should I just wait and hope that my first sale will come naturally over time, or are there additional steps I should take? Please guide me if you can. I will be very thankful.
  12. What am I doing wrong despite consistently posting unique designs on various social media platforms and staying online around the clock to promote my Fiverr gig? I've been diligently posting new and unique designs daily across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Quora. Additionally, I've been actively engaging in relevant Facebook groups, submitting unique posts to drive traffic to my Fiverr gig. Despite these efforts, I find myself staying up all night and day, constantly online, to maintain an edge over competitors, yet I'm still struggling to achieve success. Can anyone provide some insight into what might be going wrong or offer helpful advice to improve my results?
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