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  1. I'm new on Fiverr Seller. If anyone wants to resolve the design can I give it free? It will help to grow my profile. If I give the design to the user inbox will it be any problem with my account?
  2. I am new on Fiverr. I Have already completed my order. However, after completing the order client found an error in the design and he wants to resolve it. Does the client need to order again?
  3. vectjal

    Identity verify.

    I avoided this message. Thank you for your answer.
  4. vectjal

    Identity verify.

    Thank you for reply.
  5. vectjal

    Identity verify.

    I am new to Fiverr. I've already verified my ID. However, I received a note in my inbox in which they requested that I verify my ID again. But I haven't found a solution. What can I do? Is this a fake or a scam?
  6. The account was probably fake. To obtain samples or other information without intending to pay for services, some con artists masquerade as possible clients. Fiverr keeps an eye out for such activity and terminates these accounts.
  7. I greatly appreciate your response. I would like to know if switching to a different tab will cause any issues.
  8. For the greatest solution, get in touch with the Fiverr support team. Wishing you good luck.
  9. Will it be a problem if I unexpectedly need to go to a different tab?
  10. You need to verify your Fiverr account to ensure the security process. If you complete verification then you can able to find order. Go step by step and best of luck.
  11. You can change your gig image if your gig is not ranked or impression.
  12. Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to understand the Fiverr algorithm.
  13. Thank you for replying to me with your idea.
  14. How many clicks and impressions are normal for new users on Fiverr? I'm a new user of Fiverr. How do I know my gig is the right position on Fiverr?
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