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Posts posted by shaon_design

  1. Success means different things to different people. For some, it’s measured by the income they generate while others measure it by the accolades they achieve, the impact they make, or the freedom they maintain.

    For me, success is about balance and fulfillment. It's about loving what I do, making a positive impact, and having the freedom to enjoy life.

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  2. Welcome to fiverr and fiverr community. Few tips for you:

    1. Create attractive and worthwhile gigs with proper gig description.
    2. Be communicative and always listen to clients. 
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  3. Welcome to fiverr. First of all, please follow fiverr guidelines for new user.

    Also, here is some tips for you as a new seller:
    1. Create stunning and eye-catching gigs
    2. Stay active and promote your gigs
    3. Be open to clients.

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