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Posts posted by arqdesigncas

  1. So im a rather new member at fiverr, with my objective being to hopefully share my work with anyone who contacts me while also earning a bit of money doing it. So with that I applied to be a seller on fiverr and created my first gig took me a few days to get it to be perfect and finally make it online, only to just 3 hours after, I see that im blocked from selling on fiverr, no warning, no explanation and no justification. So of course I turned to customer support to try and get some explanation and some help as to what change to become a seller again, and of course I receive an automatic message saying the decision is final again no explanation as to why I cant sell on fiverr. I write another response but I was ignored, I contacted again and got the same response and ignored once again. This continued 3 more times, me getting an automatic response and being ignored, with no explanation or justification as to why I cant sell on fiverr. I tried to find reasons as to why this is happening and the only reason im able to find is descrimination to my self and since I had to provide with a foto of myself and my ID card there could be racism involved aswell, since I dont get any explanation these are my reasons and this has been my experience with fiverr.

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