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  1. I was recently discriminated against by two sellers who informed me that they do not work with members of the LGBT community nor do they work with any LGBT based designs. He then asked me if I needed any Non LGBT work done so that he didn’t have to cancel my gig. I asked him was this a Fiverr policy or? He responded “No its not a fiverr policy but my own policy” I immediately cancelled the gig and got a credit back After dealing with him I went to find another seller and was told the same thing. So now here I am wondering, how can FIVERR allow this behavior? Can someone say “I dont work with black people? Or white people” and its ok? Do I need to lead with “Hi! Im Gay! Do you work with us type people?” Just to get some help around here? What is going on FIVERRRRRR?!? I need answers now or you will hear from my lawyer! I have also contacted the BBB in regards to this.
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