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Posts posted by osawaru_

  1. 2 minutes ago, milos_siena said:

    The only thing you can do is to rewrite the gig title and focus on key words. It doesn't need to be that long. It might get you a better spot in search.



    now looking at the gohighlevel landing page gig i used the main keyowrds in gohighlevel for it. which are gohigh level sales funnel and website ensuring its  not more than 60 words. 


    I think i have put enough keyword in the title to be at the last page and if am to focus on one keyword then you can let me know then

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  2. 2 minutes ago, milos_siena said:

    Yes, I haven't typed the "_" character, sorry.
    You have no restrictions or negative labels on your account. If the algorithm sent you that far in search, you can promote your gigs outside of Fiverr. Your gig could have better pictures and an FAQ section. Do you get a reasonable amount of impressions daily?

     No its just a new gig.


    I just want to know why am so far behind is it until i promote my gig on social media cause now sending my gig to social media pages, its useless unless someone clicks on it is that what we make me rank or until i get people to order me before i start seeing exposure

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  3. Hi people am a new seller and i just started creating my first set of gigs and lo and behold they are on the last page how will i even get buyers to contact me. Will i have to stay in the last page for 3 months or more before i start competing with other sellers for rank i did all they required in the gig creation video yet i am still at the bottom. Whats the plan for new sellers please.

    Are we to go outside and look for job to use and start ranking our gigs on fiverr before we can start seeing exposure?

    whats the way forward now?

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  4. I have done all of these but i still see my new gigs on the last page i have talked to pro sellers and asked for their opinion to help, but its still in last page is it that new sellers gigs are always in last page till i get a buyer outside to order me before i can start competing in the search results? or whats the plan for new sellers

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