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Everything posted by puhilab

  1. Thanks a lot for your advice, I'll go for the delivery for sure. Let's see what happens 😔
  2. via chat, since I can't send the final files without his decision first. The project is still incomplete but I need him to decide.
  3. Hey there! please help with this!! I have an order with a client (new logo) and I delivered the revision 9 days ago via chat, since I can't send the final files without his decision first. 2 days later he said "oh I've been complicated I'm going to check it", super patient I replied that is OK, but since then 7 days have passed. I asked again 2 days ago and kindly remind him to provide the comments to finish the project. No answer so far. The most terrible part is that Fiverr shows me the client is actually checking the messages and active on Fiverr ("Last seen 1 hour ago", etc.) What can I do at this point? I just want this order to be over. I find it super disrespectful. I try this not to affect me but I'm already feeling miserable working so hard for a few bucks, so when I have to deal with people like this I just feel miserable and vulnerable.
  4. I thought gigs were active, I activated them now. Kindly check back and thanks!!
  5. fiverr.com/puhilab Hey there and thanks in advance for your comments, In 2020 I started using Fiverr and after a few weeks I received my first order. Things started to went great and even got to a point when I was receiving so many request and messages I had to pause my services constantly. In part this "Hype" was due to my low prices, but it worked for me during that time since I was learning how to make good designs and deal with customers. Eventually I took a big pause, then I moved to a new country, and I stopped using Fiverr several months. A few months ago I tried to came back and refreshed my gig images... I. haven't. received. not. even. a single. message. I'm aware that Fiverr now does have these new features in the profile, such as portfolio and clients, I'm new to all of this so I have to create content for this sections... but C'mon, I think my prices are really good and I have become a really good designer and artist.... Long story short, I really need to work and it would be great if you could give me your advice of what's wrong with my profile and why no one sent a message again...
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