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Posts posted by irmedia11

  1. Subject: Urgent Appeal: Fiverr's Unjust Treatment of Dedicated Freelancers

    Dear Fiverr Community,

    I pen this heartfelt plea not just for myself, but for every dedicated freelancer who has poured their talent, time, and effort into this platform, only to be met with disregard and injustice. We are the backbone of Fiverr, yet our voices go unheard, our concerns dismissed, and our livelihoods threatened by an unjust system.

    As a top-rated seller, I stand before you today, disheartened and disillusioned by Fiverr's blatant disregard for its most valuable asset - its freelancers. Despite meeting all metrics for the highest level of service, I found myself flagged for vague and baseless violations. When I sought clarification, Fiverr's representatives failed to provide any concrete details, leaving me stranded in a maze of confusion and frustration.

    But my story is not unique. Countless others in our community have faced similar ordeals, their pleas for justice falling on deaf ears. Fiverr's customer support, once touted as a pillar of the platform, now stands as a mere facade, with tickets left unanswered for days or automatically marked as resolved without resolution. Link to official Fiverr forum is here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/324143-your-account-has-been-flagged-for-a-severe-violation-of-fiverr-policies-as-a-result-you-are-not-able-to-participate-in-the-level-system/

    I took to LinkedIn, hoping to catch the attention of Fiverr's leadership, only to discover that the CEO has been silent for months. Our cries for help echo into the void, while the LinkedIn page remains active, a stark reminder of the company's indifference to our plight.

    We are not merely statistics on a balance sheet; we are human beings with families, dreams, and bills to pay. Yet, Fiverr's treatment of us suggests otherwise. We pay a significant portion of our hard-earned income in fees, expecting in return a platform that values and supports us. Instead, we are met with broken promises and a system that fails us at every turn.

    Even the premium services we invest in, such as Fiverr Pro, offer little respite. Despite paying for instant feedback and support, the live chat feature is nothing but a broken promise, crashing repeatedly and leaving us stranded in a sea of frustration. Videe is attached. 

    I implore Fiverr to listen to our voices, to acknowledge our concerns, and to take decisive action to rectify the injustices we face. Our community is the lifeblood of this platform, and without us, Fiverr would cease to exist. It's time for Fiverr to live up to its promises, to prioritize the well-being of its freelancers, and to restore trust in a system that has failed us time and time again.






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