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Posts posted by a1000voices

  1. I have also contact my seller plus guy.  He has ghosted me.  He followed up once and said the Fiverr team was looking into it.  That was about 2 weeks ago.  Thiking about dropping my seller plus.  Just wasting money right now.

  2. I am in the same boat.  I was a level 2 seller and when the new system kicked in I became a 0.  This whole, private review thing really bothers me.  How am i supposed to correct what I am supposedly doing wrong, when I have no idea what it is.  I am diligent about communicating with my clients and go above and beyond to give them what they want. I also over deliver.  So, when I have all 5 star reviews, except for 2, 4.7 star reviews where my client accidentally gave me a 4 for one of the criteria and one guy didn't understand the purpose of the review and gave me a 4 on whether he would hire me again (it was an audition for a documentary he was making) and he went with another guy who sounded a bit older.  That is the only criteria I can go by.  Some of my clients don't give me reviews, yet they are repeat customers who seem to love my work.  So, this secret rating B.S. helps no one.  My best performing gig was rated a 4, went up to 5, then back down to 4.  It WAS my bread and butter.  But, now I am lucky to get 1 or 2 gigs a month. It is very disheartening.

  3. I feel ya!  I do voice over work and sometimes my clients take several days to get back to me after I initially submit the project (on time).  So, as a professional courtesy to the agency I am working with, I extend the due date so they have time to confer with their clients. 90% of the time, they don't even need a revision.  I just didn't want to pressure them to get back to me "before the gig was up".  It turns out that this is perceived as a negative and I should have foreseen this possibility. Riiiiight.  I wish I had known this up front before they destroyed me in the algorithm.  One of my gigs used to be at the top of the search, now it is the very last one using those particular key words. I noticed the drop off in December.  I went from 2 to 3 gigs per week to nothing (except my repeat clients).

    My theory: Somebody got a new position (V.P. perhaps) and decided to revamp the old system to prove their worth. What Fiverr should have done if they really wanted to change their system, was to change it slowly; one piece at a time.  After a certain amount of time, the whole system would have changed and we would have only had to pivot a little bit at a time.  We are trying to run businesses here and this derails everything. Thanks for listening to my rant.

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