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Posts posted by abeljimenez271

  1. 27 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    They obviously have template replies for specific questions, and this was definitely one of them. 

    I think the grace period should be much longer, since it's very difficult to change that score. If they would keep the 2-month period like they did until now, it shouldn't be that much of an issue. But when the score covers your entire account's activity and you had tons of orders for example.. it will take a looooong time to recover if you're hit by some bad reviews. 

    Personally, I think it's a double-edged sword. They do encourage you to increase prices to avoid those bad buyers, then again if you overcharge, you get hit with a lower value for money score. They have to tell us at least what timeline are they covering, what reviews are considered "most recent", are those from the past 2 months, 6 months, past year? I understand why they hide some information, but this is definitely something Fiverr needs to be more transparent about. 


    Absolutely, if they're considering the entire lifespan of the gig, it's going to be extremely challenging to turn things around.

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Alex.M said:

    I was talking about this on a different thread... if by chance you get hit by some private feedback **** or you get a bad review, you can't really fix thingis without new orders so that 30 day grace period equals 0 if you don't actually have the chance to do something. How can you fix different metrics without new orders? What exactly are we suppose to do 

    This is exactly what I was questioning the folks at Fiverr in a support ticket: how am I supposed to boost my score if my gig has vanished? Their response was quite literal: I should bring in outside traffic to my gig...

    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-28 080946.png

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  3. 19 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

    Are you literally guiding & coaching your (external) buyers about what/how to fill the review forms?? 🫠

    I'm not sure what's on your mind, but what other option do I have? Could things possibly get any worse? Well, they could suspend my account, but honestly, it wouldn't change much since I haven't received any orders on Fiverr for weeks. So, I had to give it a shot.

    I launched my gig about 4 months back, always playing by Fiverr's TOS and keeping my metrics in check (or at least I thought so). But what did it really g
    image.png.d4e54ba29713e0a675aa50a865a022c6.pnget me? Absolutely nothing...

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  4. My gig is still missing, and my success score remains at 4...

    I've had 4 new orders since the installation of the new system, external customers of mine that I've managed to persuade to order through Fiverr to try to resolve this, but everything remains the same.

    Despite my requests, they have given all 5-star ratings, including the internal survey afterward, and yet nothing changes!

    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-28 072743.png

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  5. Just 2 weeks back, I was rocking the Choice label, everything was peachy, and my Gig was Top 1 on multiple keywords. Now I'm a level 0, with a measly 4 success score 'cause apparently, I have negative impact in effective communication...

    It's crazy, man. I've got a 100% response rate, over 50 orders ALL rated 5 stars, and not a single cancellation, but now my gig's gone from search results.

    And get this, with my keyword, there are only 3 pages of results, and mine ain't even on the last page. Contact support? Might as well be talking to a brick wall—just canned responses, zero real help.

    So long, Fiverr.

    Captura de pantalla 2024-02-22 095740.png

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