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About zahir_is_here

  • Birthday 11/29/1998


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    Scammers in Fiverr 🙂 


    From my experience for past few days I had noticed some signs that I want to share here, so that you can be safe from this scammers. 

    1. Most of the fake accounts are from Nigeria. NB: I do respect this country but shame on this scammers.

    2. They will offer you a huge amount of money. Like they will offer you 2000 USD for a job which is cost around 20 dollar maximum. So don't fall for them. Money is important but you have to be patient.

    3. Time zone. before excitement just say " Hello! how may I help you ? " Then care fully look into the buyers time zone. if it looks suspicious then immediately say generic message like  " Hello! thanks for your reply, how may I help you ? "

    4. Check their previous rating score.

    5. Also check when they created their account.

    6. Check the spelling of their name.

    7. Never ever click to any link. I repeat Never ever. Be smart and scan any kind of link doc, pdf, or any file through some virus scanner.

    8. Don't deal any customer who wants to connect to you via Telegram or other link plat form. 

    9.  There is a special kind of scammers who will message you like hi hello and they will say, they want to complete a job from you. then they will go offline. Whereas you are waiting patiently but that buyer won't come. After a day to days letter they will again come to your chat box and say something which is not meaningful at all. they are like killing your times. 


    Share all of your experience here 🙂 Have a good day.

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