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Everything posted by collinsconsult

  1. Congratulations on attaining this huge milestone! I wish you all the best on this journey. Keep soaring and God bless.
  2. Physical books. It helps you focus and disconnect from technological distractions.
  3. Congratulations on your first order on Fiverr. It's the first of many to come.
  4. Many think freelancing is just a side hustle. It's far from that. It's more of a business with various departments. The moment I starting treating my freelance hustle as a whole business, everything changed positively. My friends, family and neighbours already have this traditional mindset that you must leave the house every morning and return in the evening as with the traditional job. So when they see me working from home at times, they begin to wonder what I actually do. LoL 😅
  5. I have learned more on discipline, patience and never giving up.
  6. I prefer text messages any day any time. I can multitask why texting.
  7. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and insights.
  8. Go under your niche and open the gigs of all Top Rated Sellers, carefully study all the sections (gig titles, images, descriptions, search tags, etc) and bring out your conclusions in an excel sheet or word document. Apply the results to your gigs.
  9. Through thorough research. Go under your niche and open the gigs of all Top Rated Sellers, carefully study all the sections (gig titles, images, descriptions, search tags, etc) and bring out your conclusions in an excel sheet or word document. Apply the results to your gigs.
  10. - Always respect the Terms of Service and Community Standards. It's so underrated but if you want stay on this journey for long, this is the most important rule. - Do everything possible within your power to offer the best quality services and always go beyond expectations. Under promise and over deliver. - Patience and consistency. It's like wine. The older your gig, the more earnings you make. So ensure you do everything possible to stay here for long.
  11. 3. Sometimes clients' requirements don't fit any of the 3 gig packages. So negotiation must be done.
  12. Welcome to Fiverr Forum and wishing you all the best on this journey.
  13. -Discipline + Hard Work + Patience = Success -If you can conceive and believe it, you can achieve it. -Stick to what works best for you. -“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.” Albert Einstein.
  14. I'm looking at investing skills in the crypto market.
  15. My home's interior decor and dinner in classy restaurants - occasionally.
  16. So 10 people contacting you without you converting even 1 into an order doesn't affect your conversion rate? I strongly doubt that!
  17. I definitely do block. But the damage on the conversion rate, success score and response rate must have been done. It's so pathetic!
  18. For the past 2 weeks, I keep getting messages from Pakistanis and Bangladeshis either requesting for work or asking for mentorship. I try my best to keep cool and reply calmly. But what is this? I'm not even on page one. This is greatly affecting my Success Score and Response Rate. I don't know if someone has been experiencing this lately but it's extremely annoying... 😣😖😣 @Kesha Something should be done about this!!!
  19. Everything will be fine. Just a little more patience. Review the gigs of top sellers in your niche and work on your gig titles, description and search tags. Wishing you the best of luck and success.
  20. More competition added and they're probably doing better than you. So be patient and don't relent your efforts.
  21. May his soul RIP. My heart goes out to his family at this difficult time.
  22. It's a scam. Don't fall for it. Report and block ASAP.
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