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Posts posted by chadf3

  1. This whole gig limit just seems silly. I can maybe understand trying to prevent new low skill accounts from spamming the listings, but at the same time it's discriminating against those with a wide range of specialized skills from experience. You can't always just lump a bunch of disparate types of work into a few gigs. And how exactly are new users suppose to get orders and level up if they can't even market their full range of skills? Randomly disable/enable gigs and hope they have the right ones active at the right moment someone is looking?

    If anything, I would think Fiverr would want to encourage those with a wider reach of experience and skills to join, rather than just those with limited experience (and, on average, lower quality service). However, this does not seem like it would incentivize that.

    Also, its been a couple months since I watched Fiverr's intro video.. but wasn't it encouraging people to "create as many gigs as you need", or am I just remembering wrong? And if it did, was that video lying then, even before the new level system?

    Saddened at this gig limit realization. At the very least they should have allowed you to stage as many inactive gigs as you wanted, and then pick which ones to be active. As it is now, I'll need to disable a usable gig simply to start preparing a new one to try.

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