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  1. @visualstudios If I had to guess, I would say I was testing some HTML files for a website, and there was a java script file that I used without fully checking it and used as a cookie to initiate the desired function on the site. That was probably a cookie-stealing script.
  2. @creative_howl I have an idea how it happened. They probably took one of my session keys and used it to bypass everything. Since I used Google as my login method, I wasn't able to change my password, and I kind of forgot the exact answer to my security questions. That was my fault, but I still reported everything to them as soon as I could. And logged out of all sessions. Now I'm banned, and support isn't even replaying for me.😞
  3. Update: Account got flagged. And no replay from fiverr so far. Im sad.
  4. @tariqul24hrs i already did but no replay so far.
  5. @ana_tomyToday i lost my level. And no update from the team.😭
  6. Thanks for the replay. Ive worked hard for the account and even stopped sleeping for strait weeks at a time. Now this happned to me im feeleng sad. I did use 2FA in my account, but I think they somehow got my session token and was able to log in. I lost a lot of really important accounts, but none of them makes me that sad like this one did. I'm feeling really down.
  7. My account got temporarily suspended after I got hacked, and the hacker used my account to send spam messages. I somehow got back into my account and told almost everyone that those messages were spam. I tried to contact support. It's been about 24 hours. And just now I got suspended. What can I do? Please Help.
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