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Posts posted by daichi777

  1. In the short time this stupid system has been enabled:

    - Far more people are coming to the forums for the first time solely based off how bad it is. Me being one who's purely buyer only.

    - I haven't seen a single response from anyone at Fiverr nor any feedback acknowledgement or actual changes since it was announced and dumped on us. Just locking the original thread for whatever reason. Has there been any actual response or was this whole system some quick pointless meeting thing, dumped on everyone, and trying to ignore?


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  2. 19 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    It doesn’t make any sense. I was under the impression that Fiverr generally wanted us to raise our prices. This goes completely against that.

    I always stand firm on my prices even when buyers claim they can’t afford them. Sometimes these buyers will end up agreeing to my price in the end. However, now I have to fear getting punished because some cheapskate who can’t read my gig description is dissatisfied that I didn’t give him a discount, so I will no longer agree to work with buyers who try to negotiate my prices in any way.

    I look through literal hundreds of gigs and have lists full of every one I have so they're sorted into 'Avoid' or what category I can use them for/if good and pricey etc. I hire here mostly artists, VA's, animation, story writers etc as I do small game design mostly and various other stuff on side. I've been scammed on here before and I still feel bad and guilty for not giving 5 stars to one of the first sellers because I didn't realize the system affected them that much. Some people I don't bother negotiating price with because it looks good to me already. Some already lower their prices from the gigs. Anyone new who doesn't know these things isn't going to know custom offers and just think gigs are fixed price and won't generally be happy about it.

    I don't get how the hell it's fair on you guys if someone didn't get to haggle a price, or just puts they don't think the $5 quality work they asked for, was worth 5 stars. Why does it even affect a bloody review? The only use it literally has is to bully a seller and let them know you weren't happy with the price for whatever reason, despite you were the one who agreed to it, the one who negotiated for it as the buyer etc.

    How the hell does this help me as a legit buyer seeing the stars down, but not even knowing wtf for if it's not even listed in the end review either? If it does and is part of the 'quality of delivery' then it's just misleading.

    You can tell this whole review change, that affects multiple peoples livelihoods, was never planned properly. Just some cosmetic thing that someone thought looks snazzy and modern. And unfortunately it doesn't look like any feedback will actually be taken seriously or change anything. I even get the share private feedback notifications still and they're annoying as shit already. I keep thinking one of the freelancers are contacting me.


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  3. 27 minutes ago, vovkaslovesnyy said:

    It was implemented for the sake of "a more modern, reliable rating & review system that will encourage freelance business growth... empower customer decision-making, and enhance trust between freelancers and customers." 😅

    It was widely discussed in the topic below. After a while, the discussion was closed with "... your feedback is invaluable and we will continue to implement changes as best as possible based on your suggestions. Our goal is a smooth and gradual transition to future changes, and rest assured we will update in a new post in the forum as soon as we have more information."

    It is already working, and the main idea is the following, and it's unlikely to be changed in the near future (judging by the current approach to "a smooth and gradual transition"):


    Geezus what a shit show that is trying to read through. It's sad because I only even came to the forums for the first time in 4 years because of how utterly stupid this change is. It doesn't help seeing people are not being taken seriously at all, but also for whatever stupid reason the AI stuff delved into in the last few pages doing so.

    I worked in government for over 10 years combined in IT, projects, etc and there are plenty of smart freelancers here reading through the comments. In the govt we see and try to stop stupid decisions like UI, operating and process design. Ever traded out over 2000 android phones for iphones because some stupid higher up wanted to feel fancy for using one and quote 'security'? Then having to write guides, and train aged care workers etc on how to use them while they're all in their 40's+? 

    Here it's sad to see it's no different. Someone with no experience in usability just hires someone else to come up with a change and get it approved. Not a single bloody thing changed from the first post and just giving the same old 'we listened/passed on feedback' for a rushed launch when it should've been done at the design stage.

    If I wasn't a freelancer before and knowing how much a review affects sellers especially on this site, and the seller had plenty of feedback. I wouldn't care and just not bother with the system, there's a reason why I don't bother with private reviews especially when I hire certain people multiple times a month. There's a reason I don't leave feedback on ebay if the seller has above 50 good ones.

    And I most certainly don't have the bloody time to go through 'do you have time to hear about our lord and saviour' when I just want to bloody buy services. What a joke.

    If they were serious on feedback it wouldn't of been just a warning thread that's now locked. You'd actually have a damned open sticky for feedback now. 

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  4. Didn't have an order through Dec so not sure when this came into effect till yesterday.

    For those who don't know (sellers only etc), to approve an order it now asks for feedback first and has been changed and will waste your time/those of us in IT will feel like you're being babied by incredibly dumb UI decisions. Before, the 1-2 pages of quick click, click, type review has now been replaced with 3 pages that have hidden fields that don't show up until you select the emoji's. And you cannot continue until you fill them out and click next.

    Having 2 pages first of the same thing and only getting the 'next' button after selecting everything is just dumb time wasting design. It takes 3 pages just to approve an order and skip the aggravating 'customary' tip screen. It might seem trivial to some, but those of us who get multiple orders a month, it seriously makes you not want to leave feedback at all now and leave it to auto complete if you didn't care about your freelancer because you have so many to go through like a chore. 

    I've also found out that now if a buyer chooses anything else but the best option for if you felt the order was 'value for money', it lowers the feedback rating for the seller. What begs the question is, why the heck does it punish a seller for an agreed upon price in the first place? How does 4.7 stars help me in my decision in choosing a seller as quality/trustworthiness etc are what you'd expect the stars to be about.

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