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  1. thanks for your reply, I will try that hack
  2. Thanks for your informative reply anatomy, i contacted customer support three days ago but they have not replied.
  3. yes i have sent them the screenshot but they are taking too long to reply, it has been four days now.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm Francis, a new seller on Fiverr. I'm experiencing an issue with my gigs. When I try to create new gigs, the manage gigs page reloads blank and I receive an error message stating that I can only have a maximum of four gigs. This happened after I deleted all my old gigs because I wanted to create new ones. Currently, when I go to my manage gig page, no gigs are showing up under draft, active, requiring modification, denied, or paused. I contacted the Fiver support team and they mentioned that from their system, they can see I have 2 gigs on draft and 2 on hold. The problem is that these gigs are not appearing on the manage gig page from my dashboard, although they exist in the system, preventing me from creating new ones. I really need to create new gigs. Please help me.
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