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Posts posted by casey_moonstone

  1. This is interesting. I haven't read a contract where this is true, but that does not mean it's not. Typically you are not bound like a record contract to 6 albums, but from inception you do give up the right to anything that is created for the product/gig/etc., therefore you are forgoing any copyright protection because that voice over never belongs to you. The terms define what it is. As for a non-compete clause, that depends on the type of business and contract. What I do know is good practice is to have a look at contract before you sign. 

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  2. Mandyzines post was spot on, but people who use Fiverr price themselves too low. It should be a buyout always. That's how Disney and every major works. Not to be evil, but because policing this worldwide and for new versions and simple duplication of the work is impossible. Now consider the people using your voice over work. They are not Sony or Warner Brothers who have big teams protecting their works world wide. Giving them a year and them forgetting about it puts them in a bad position. That's morally irresponsible as creators. Yes we want to eat, but they deserve the same compassion. Finally, let's imagine that the purchaser ops for 1 year. They put your voice onto an animated video. They decide not to pay you for a renewal. You ask them to take it down. They can take down there video, but if it was shared or copied at any point, it's out of their hands. They can do very little to take it down. This is a crucial reason why they need to pay for the full buyout and we need to make it obvious that they need to as well. We also need to charge accordingly. We all set a floor of $150 per hour or something of the sort and not undercut each other to make a sale. That leads to $5 voiceover work and lawsuits down the line.

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  3. That's amazing, Congratulations and yes, I'll keep you in mind for future projects.

    From my experience, there is simply too much to consider when making records and while we may be attracted to certain things, there will be other things standing in the way of achieving a particular goal or dream. This is not to discourage you, but to rather open your eyes and empower you.

    I want to be a guitar player, I've wanted that all my life.

    Play Guitar>Compose Music>Record>Edit>Mix>Master>Add Meta Data> Copyright>Contracts>Upload to DSPs

    Create Photo Concepts>Take Photos>Edit Photos>Color Photos>Export Photos>Add Meta Data>Copyright>Contracts>Upload to Branding resources

    This flow is consistent with videos and any other media needed for your artists brand, but it doesn't end there.

    What about - Touring, Strategies, Copywriting, Social Engagement, Business planning and partnerships, Marketing, Digital Marketing and optimization, etc.

    The list goes on and all of these fields are full time work. We cannot do it alone. We need to build teams with sufficient funding, good planning and a great strategy to succeed. 120,000 song where uploaded per day in 2023 to DSPs. How do artists break free from the noise and competition especially since we are going into the world of Ai which allows us to have faster turn arounds which will lead to more quality competition. 

    I'm not sure what the right answer is or if there is an answer. I do know that focusing on everything else gives you little time to do the thing you love or why you started in the first place. Maybe focus on that and build the teams around you that can help you continue doing the thing that you love.

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  4. I'm Casey and I've had the honor of attending and graduating from both Berklee College of Music and the University of Southern California. I've been producing records for 12 years and now with my masters degree I am a well versed in music industry knowledge. Basically there is a Record Labels worth of knowledge in my head. I want to start my freelance venture here on Fiverr. Just wanted to stop by, say hello, and tell you about myself. Looking forward to joining and hearing from this community. Feel free to message me any time. 

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