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Posts posted by steveeyes

  1. Everything said here is said with good intentions but the truth is, every gig is different and what may work for me may not work for you. I have a friend on Fiverr who does quite well and I optimized my gig exactly as his right down to the number of words used in gig description. It didn’t help.

    I’m not saying not to check out your competition, but I believe some of the things that make a gig rank well is not visible to the users. Only CS (or at least the people who are in charge of Fiverr’s search engine) sees it.

    I must admit I’m a bit suspicious of the feedback that is submitted to CS only. Did you know when there is a cancellation the buyer gets to submit feedback for CS eyes only?

    So what I’m saying you are in control of your own destiny…or are you. There had to be a reason Fiverr started the feedback feature for their eyes only but I’m not sure what it is.

    Good Luck

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