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Posts posted by technase

  1. I don't know about anyone else here, but this chatbox feature really annoys me. Every time I change any page on Fiverr, this thing pops up and takes up about 20% of the screen. It takes like 5 or more seconds for the close button to appear. 
    Is there any way I can permanently close it? Or at least permanently minimize it so it doesn't start as an open window every time I change pages?

    download (85) c.jpg

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  2. Thank you for your suggestion. I think option 1 is a good idea, especially when you notice red flags, as I did in this particular order. Canceling the order is more convenient than dealing with stress and receiving warnings. 

    As a practice, I always share the completed work three to five days prior to the actual delivery date. This allows me enough time if the client needs anything changed. And I did the same with this order. I shared screenshots of all the pages with the client and he asked for minor changes, made the requested changes, shared the revised screenshots, and he was satisfied with it, and then I delivered the order which he accepted.

    I also talked with Fiverr support, and they said I got a warning because I abused the Delivery button. They mentioned I didn't add screenshots of the finished work when delivering an order. I've completed almost 100 orders, and I usually don't add screenshots because most of my clients are returning clients, and attaching the same website again and again doesn't make sense. I only include screenshots of very specific work because it's also featured in the gig pictures.

    I'm not sure if not including screenshots in the delivery violates the Terms of Service and results in a warning. Do you have any information on this ?


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  3. I am a level two seller on Fiverr and I've been working on this platform for almost three years without issues until now. A client initially satisfied with my work on his website returned for a new website, and despite additional requests during development, I completed the work and delivered it. He happily accept the delivery.  
    Yesterday, three weeks post-delivery acceptance, he requested additional work. Despite completing it out of courtesy, the client faced an issue: he couldn't see the main menu on his website due to excessive browser zoom (instead of the main menu at the top, all he could see was a menu drawer like you see on a mobile version of the website). I explained the solution – to zoom out slightly – but he struggled to grasp this, consistently blaming me for an incomplete website despite earlier acceptance. To make sure there was no issue in the website I shared the link with more than 20 of my friends and asked them to send me screenshots. And as expected everything was working fine but the client kept calling me fraud and was very rude and unprofessional. 
    I contacted Fiverr support to ask for assistance regarding the behavior of the client, but my request went unanswered. Today, I received a warning from Fiverr, and it is highly likely that the same client reported me. I find it unjust that Fiverr provides significant leverage to buyers, potentially enabling them to intimidate sellers in doing free work. This situation worries me about refusing additional unpaid work from clients because as far as I know there are three strikes and its out. 

    What would you suggest I do in this scenario?


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