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  1. Dear Fiverr Support Team, I trust this message finds you well. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your efforts in maintaining the integrity and security of the Fiverr platform. I have recently encountered an issue where my account has been flagged due to a false identity claim. I want to assure you that this account is genuinely mine, and I have been the sole user since its inception. The name associated with the account is that of my brother. I am more than willing to provide any documentation or information necessary to verify my ownership of this account. Kindly consider my genuine intent to cooperate, and I am ready to furnish all required proofs to confirm that I am the rightful owner of this account. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your guidance on the necessary steps to resolve this situation promptly. Please let me know what documents or information you require, and I will promptly provide them. Thank you for your understanding and assistance. Best regards, @fiverrsuppport @milos_siena
  2. Dear Fiverr Community, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to the Fiverr community with a matter of urgency concerning my Fiverr account. Unfortunately, my account has been flagged due to a false identity case, and despite my immediate attempts to address the issue by reaching out to Fiverr Support, I have not received a response. I wish to emphasize that I have all the necessary proofs, credentials, and documentation to verify my identity, and I am more than willing to provide these to resolve the situation promptly. I have reached out to Fiverr Support, expressing my willingness to cooperate and attaching all the required evidence. Regrettably, it has been two days, and I have not received any response or acknowledgment from the support team. I understand the importance of maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform, and I assure you that the false identity claim against my account is unfounded. I am writing to seek your suggestions and assistance in navigating this situation. I am attaching screenshots of the case that I have presented to Fiverr Support, and I am open to any guidance or advice that the community can provide. In the interest of transparency and fairness, I am eager to resolve this matter swiftly, as it is impacting my ability to use the platform effectively. Your support and insights would be immensely appreciated. Thank you for your time and understanding. Best regards, @fiverrsuppport
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