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Posts posted by urvah_tr

  1. On 11/20/2023 at 4:37 AM, yeasinnewaj said:

    It has been almost 2 months that I have not received a single order or knock from any of the buyers despite creating my fiverr gigs professionally. 


    I really don’t have any idea what next I will be doing to get my first order or whatsover. I have spent atleast 20 hours a day in this platform but still didn’t get any orders. 

    It is really frustrating and heartbreaking for me to go through the toughest times of my life like this. 

    Also, there is no option to request buyers for work like before. Fiverr shouldn’t have removed the option of it. The option was beneficial for new commers like us but now, there’s no option. 


    Only the top rated, level 1/2 sellers are getting orders and we as a new seller are being neglected. 


    Really disappointing and depressing. 

    Don't lose hope. If you're professional enough, you'll make it to your first order.

    • Like 21
  2. On 11/22/2023 at 10:31 AM, priyank_mod said:

    Unfortunately, it's mostly misinformation & lofty expectations which drive people.

    Many people join the platform expecting to be a QUICK RICH scheme because some stranger on random YouTube videos told them so or someone misguided them about the earning potential of freelancing!! They expect the marketplace to be like a regular workplace where you create an account/gigs and buyers will line up on their desk.

    Lack of sellable skills, professionalism, mindset and perseverance often lead to attrition. 

    Honestly, yes. It's just some of those Youtube videos that clearly give the 'get rich quick' kind of idea where in actual life, it would take you years to acquire good clients, even that only in the case that you have exceptional skills. For me, I have been on Fiverr for nothing short of a month now and I haven't got any orders myself. I have optimized and improved my gigs a lot since the time they were created. Sometimes I would just feel like quitting but when when I see many other sellers making sales with terrible skills in the same field, it makes me wanna stay on the platform and get to those sales no matter what. 


    • Like 24
  3. On 11/26/2023 at 12:11 AM, james_smith005 said:

    Here is the link to my gig : https://www.fiverr.com/s/Lqzg5o

    I am a new seller although i had interest in freelance from 2 years. i have tried previously but not as focused as i am nowadays . i have recieved 118 impressions and 13 clicks just in 2 days (I feel this is good) . i am a thumbnail designer and i need your help . can anybody please help me improve this gig . Please view my gig and tell the mistakes you found😊👍

    Great progress. Your gigs seem nice but the images are a little overcrowded. Adjusting the images a bit might help the buyer get a better idea of exactly what you're offering. 

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  4. 21 hours ago, melanielm said:

    I've been here since a few months after Fiverr opened its doors. It was quite different back then... as was the world of internet content creation, marketing, website building, etc. I can't specifically say that it was easier to get orders at a specific point. All that depends on individual business growth and a seller's efforts.

    Is it more challenging these days? Yes, for certain industries especially (i.e., ones that people believe AI can replace) and because there are so many more people trying to work from home and freelance than there ever were before.

    Ultimately, it has very little to do with Fiverr itself. It's our responsibility to grow our businesses.

    Honestly, it's way more challenging these days. I basically offer services that AI can definitely replace(as people say) and because of that I have set reasonable prices for my gigs but I still find so many people out there who'd rather hire people to do the work rather than assigning the task to AI and then making so many edits because it equals almost double the work. AI might be smart but it might never be able to adapt a human tone and emotions which we particularly implement when writing copy.

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  5. 19 hours ago, emma_7134 said:

    This is the value of niching down. To give you an example, I have gigs in very general categories (English-French translation or proofreading, for example) that have never had any orders. On the other hand, my gig in Notion templates is in a much smaller niche (less than 650 sellers have "notion template" in their title and description) and has gotten all my orders.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

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  6. There are some things that I don't get. I have tried to optimize my gig in everyway possible and even changed the thumbnail and stuff. I have been on Fiverr for a month now and I feel like the only reason I haven't got my first order is that people don't know me yet plus I am in a competition with approximately 40000 people on my gig. Got any suggestions?

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