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Posts posted by alexamolander

  1. 5 hours ago, a_zukovs said:

    The customer support personnel itself is rarely at fault, I don't blame them here either. I have no idea who would I need to talk to otherwise anyway.

    You might as well talk to a wall. All they do is copy paste some standard lorem ipsum text, mark the ticket as solved. If you keep asking they will tell you to stop asking, basically telling you to shut up, if you persist, they will mess with you, remove you from search results etc. 

    I would definitely say that they are at fault. I am sure there is a policy where they are expected to solve the tickets fast, but this is their job, this is what they get paid for. There is no excuse for how Fiverr support is acting. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, fahadtech said:

    After an order has been canceled, the buyer can leave a review. How?



    Yes this is true. Angry customers can cancel their order, get their money back and then leave a review where they are allowed to lie and say anything they want about you. This happened to me, and the customer even handled all contact behind my back with Fiverr support, so orders can be canceled without your consent. The order was delivered and after this the customer never replied again, one week later the order was canceled, leaving me to have worked without payment for 3 weeks. The customer never even had to show any proof for his claims.  Then he continued to leave blatant lies in the review of the canceled order, which he did not pay for. 

    So be aware. This is how Fiverr treats us sellers and unless we stand up for ourselves it will get worse.

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  3. I really feel with you. You are not alone. I have similar experiences and I have colleagues who have been treated the same way by Fiverr. 
    Denied to become a seller even, for a brand new account. Verified, all information correct, professional past and experience, only to be met by the wall of copy pasted answers and refusing to state why the account is banned. It seems they are free to do as they want. 

    I do wonder if this goes higher up, I doubt the management at Fiverr are aware that support and daily moderating have been hijacked by incompetent and ill willed fools, because that is the best way to describe Fiverr support. Trying to reason with these power abusing tools is really the closest I've come to a living out a kafka novel. Speaking out about it is probably only going to make it worse but I think it is important that we make our voices heard so that maybe there will be a change in the future.

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  4. Sorry to hear about your situation. We have all been there, trying to reason with an angry and unreasonable seller. The problem is that Fiverr has created a perfect environment for bullies (unfortunately Fiverr are themselves the worst bullies). What I mean by this is that us sellers have ZERO rights. The buyers can treat us anyway they want. Even if you bend backwards to comply with everything they want they can still treat you like an animal and get away with it. They know that the rating system is working on their behalf. They will always have that threat over you. I would liken to work as a seller on Fiverr as constantly working under the threat of a gun to your head. By a seller having a bad day, or by Fiverr staff themselves deciding to punish you. It does not matter if you deliver a high quality service or product, if the seller decides they want to take their anger out at you, they will be allowed, even encouraged. 

    So in the end, if even if you cancel the order, the result will be in worst case that you worked for free, and even worse, you will be left a review, since its possible to leave a review for canceled orders (only possible for the buyer, not by the seller, go figure), leaving you with less or maybe no customers at all in the end. All you worked for, gone. At least Fiverr made some dollars. 


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  5. It seems now that my gig is not showing up in searches, event though I am a level 2 seller, the gig is promoted and I even joined seller plus. It really seems that Fiverr support are thugs who will treat you however the want. It is really unfair and shameful. 

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  6. I am writing here as a last effort. Fiverr has wrongfully accused me of selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels. It happened out of the blue and I contacted Fiverr support to try to understand if I maybe had made a mistake and to just clear things out, I was first met with copy paste answers dodging the question. After standing my ground and asking for the reason of the warning I got in contact with a support staff who told me she would look into the issue and later replied that it was a false flag and she also removed the warning.

    About one week later I received another warning. This time I was even more surprised as I had few orders since last time. I was met once again with copy paste replies even openly stating that they would keep sending the same answers and that there was no point in further questions. After about 5 messages and a new ticket I was at least told the order ID (something I asked about in the initial message). I looked into it and it was just a 5$ order, that was not even rated. Just a usual customer request and a delivery, nothing strange at all. I once again asked for the reason and what I had done but they just solved the ticket without replying.

    Has anyone else experienced something similar? I feel targeted by sabotage and very disappointed in how Fiverr treats us sellers. 

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