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Posts posted by mark_fiedeldey

  1. @uk1000, I entered a sentence into the "edit description" field and then checked the profile and the sentence was not added but rather replaced the entire description.  Clearly, the "edit description" function does not allow edits.  So I simply retyped my description from scratch and all is well now.  Thanks again for the suggestion.

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  2. Thanks for the suggestions @uk1000.  I really appreciate the help.  I should have thought of the first one you mentioned.  It's a good one.  I'll work that one first as I can do that one without bugging the staff.


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  3. Thanks for the response @uk1000.  However, I'm not seeing what I think I should be seeing.

    When I view my gig as a buyer, I see


    I need to make changes to the info enclosed in red.  When I log in and go to edit my profile,  I have



    And when I click on the edit description, I get



    I am unable to get to a screen that allows me to edit the about me description that a buyer sees.

    Thanks for any help.



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  4. How do I edit the "about me" section of my profile?  I feel like an idiot right now (ha!).  I can get to the profile but I can't find a way to edit the "about me" section.

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  5. 22 hours ago, milos_siena said:

    That is a 100% scam, but it has to happen at a start, it's a tough way to get through !

    Definitely my suspicion.  I really appreciate all the help @milos_siena.


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  6. On 4/13/2024 at 3:50 AM, milos_siena said:

    The gig picture can be much more atractive and you can add more gigs. If your impressions don't lead to clicks, then the gig title, price or picture might be the reason.

    Thanks again for the suggestions.  I did a little revamping and I was contacted by a potential buyer.  I think it may have been a scam because the buyer would not answer any of the questions that are included in the gig nor would the buyer answer any questions posed in the Fiverr message  exchange.  The buyer stopped responding to my messages.  Perhaps the buyer found a different seller and that is fine.  At least I was contacted.


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  7. I am relatively new to Fiverr and my first potential buyer has contacted me.  With all the scamming and fake AI comments floating around, I am concerned whether this buyer is legitimate or not.  Is there a way to learn whether this buyer has purchased services on Fiverr before and if so, is this buyer honest?  I currently have no reason to doubt this buyer buy I am certain I could be easily scammed.  Any thoughts?



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  8. I have a gig that has received some impressions but no sales.  OK, nothing new there.  It got me thinking though... could my description or tags be causing my gig to appear in the wrong searches?  I have no way of knowing since I don't see the search criteria used by buyers that pulls in my gig as an option.  Is there a way for a seller, like me, to get the search criteria used by buyers?

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  9. I am relatively new to Fiverr and I just read a post that mentioned a change in a buyer's view of seller's profile.  I switched to buyer mode and took a look at my info.  Nothing strange.  However, it struck me that I have not yet received a message through Fiverr.  My mailbox is new and empty.  I thought I could run a test by sending myself a message.  I typed a brief note and clicked the send.  The message was not sent but an error was displayed.  Could there be something wrong with my mailbox?  Or is this likely a restriction prohibiting members from sending themselves messages.  Any thoughts?


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  10. The post by William is closed for additional comment but I need to express my thanks.  I am new to Fiverr in particular and new to freelancing in general.  I have read lots of posts, ToS, etc. and this post is the most informative and clear document I have read so far.  Very helpful and I am most grateful for the time and effort expended to pull it all together.  Many thanks William.

    Personally, I don't expect to make much money from this.  It is a new experience and one that can potentially extend my career a couple more years.  I have posted 1 gig and my field is quite specialized so I have no delusions of being overwhelmed with customers.  I have had a couple dozen impressions and a handful of clicks but no real interest in orders.  I would like to get a couple orders just for the experience so I have been reading posts, such as William's, to see what I should do to let customers know what I have to offer.  I don't mind researching and working hard so William's post resonated well with me.  We'll see how well I can follow the advice and comments provided.


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  11. Emmaki,

    I am new to Fiverr.  In fact, I am new to freelancing.  

    Thanks for your posts.  I have found your thoughts presented in a thoughtful and professional manner.  The number of posts from experienced sellers such as yourself calling Fiverr out on some significant failures is disturbing.  I am beginning to think I should find a different platform on which to offer my services.  The shear number of both buyers and sellers interested in scamming each other is overwhelming me.  Apparently, both buyers and sellers need to be thoroughly vetted and that isn't happening.  

    Thanks again for taking time to post your thoughts and, more importantly, your suggestions for solutions.

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  12. Mandyzines,

    Thanks for your response.  I appreciate the help.


    Also, many thanks.  I think I understand how the Brief process works.  


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  13. What is a "brief"?

    Under the dashboard menu, select gigs.  The screenshot below appears.


    What is a "brief" as seen on the right?

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  14. I am not clear regarding the process for receiving and filling orders.

    How am I notified that some buyer has an interest?  Do I contact the potential buyer through Fiverr email to discuss/negotiate a potential order?

    How is an order contracted?

    Do I send draft files to the buyer for review and approval?  Can the buyer request modifications/additions to an order and if so, how is that handled?

    I have searched for guidelines but have not found much definitive information.



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