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Posts posted by faraan2008

  1. 26 minutes ago, badar121 said:

    -I hope everyone is doing well.

    As you all know, when we navigate to "My Business" -> "Gigs" -> and click on any gig from a Fiverr seller profile, it opens the gig performance stats. If we filter the performance by the "Click" filter, it shows how many clicks the gig received each day. I am interested in understanding how this click counting mechanism actually works.

    A few weeks ago, I started sharing my star gig on social media platforms to attract more potential clients, considering that my gig has a decent number of reviews, which could help build trust in my service.

    To be more specific, I shared my gig via the Meta Ads service and added the "Share my gig" URL to the CTA button of my Meta Ad. After running the ad for a few days, I observed that I was receiving 20-30 clicks on the URL of my gig. However, when I opened the "Gig Performance" tab for that gig and filtered it by "Clicks," it didn't register those clicks on my gig, showing only 1-2 clicks for the days when I actually received 20-30 confirmed clicks by sharing it on social media.

    My question is whether gig clicks are only counted from people who have a Fiverr account and are logged in, or if there is a specific mechanism for counting gig clicks. I am unsure if I have explained my question clearly.

    Please let me know if you didn't understand my question.

    I'm not completely sure how the gig mechanism works, but I think when you share the link to your gig page (opened page), people can click on your shared link they go straight to your gig page instead of having to search for your service gig and then click on it. Maybe Fiverr only counts it as a gig click when someone searches for the gig and then clicks on it to open your gig page. I don't think it matters whether people have a Fiverr account or not.  (Reference ChatGTP)

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  2. Any type of messaging activity that is unwanted, repeatedly occurring, and disruptive to the recipient’s experience is considered a "spam message" on Fiverr.

    For example, unwanted offers to commercially-motivated solicitations that aim to drive traffic or attention to websites, products, and services outside of Fiverr.

    For more detail visit following page:

    • Like 11
  3. On 12/30/2023 at 10:25 PM, mukta_graphic4 said:


    I am new to this platform and the Fiverr forum. I would appreciate a warm welcome. Could you please share some insights on how to succeed on this platform? I am eager to know what I should do and what I should avoid. Thank you!


    Best practices for new Fiverr Sellers Gigs


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  4. 16 hours ago, jumma_k said:


    I am Jumma khan and newbie in Fiverr. Please suggest me that What are flaws in my gig and how can I improve it to get rank on Fiverr?


    Hello, @jumma_k Please read the following article it will be really helpful for you.

    Best practices for new Fiverr Sellers Gigs


    • Like 2
  5. On 12/27/2023 at 12:19 AM, marina_art_box said:

    Hello and Merry Christmas to all.

    I created a gig https://www.fiverr.com/s/oye2k8 and there is almost three week and I have received no impressions or clicks.

    As I am novice to the whole process, as I have tried before with no success, I would like your feedback and advice of what can I do to improve.




    Hello, @marina_art_box Please read the following article it will be really helpful for you.

    Best practices for new Fiverr Sellers Gigs


    • Like 5
  6. @lipibookkeeper
    He will accept it. You have to wait for his response. Additionally, send him a detailed message with the calculation, stating that your service charges, for example, amount to 100 US dollars, which is equivalent to 132.09 Canadian Dollars. So please accept the offer. Thanks
    I hope this will be helpful for you.

    • Like 7
  7. On 12/24/2023 at 10:20 PM, uiuxrumu said:



    I am new to the forum. Joined here a long time ago but due to some problem, I couldn't give enough time here. But from now on, I would love to be active here at the forum.



    I joined Fiverr in 2019 but only started using the Fiverr forum last week. I'm pleased I did because there are lots of tips and suggestions here. I recommend every new seller to join the Fiverr forum to be successful on Fiver. 

    • Like 6
  8. You welcome @code_master_pro

    7 hours ago, code_master_pro said:

    Hello Faraan,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate your attention to detail and your constructive feedback. I’ll definitely consider making the changes to my profile picture as you recommended. It’s always great to hear from users who are willing to help improve the experience for everyone.

    You welcome @code_master_pro 

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