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Posts posted by mhallvo

  1. 6 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

    it might take you an year or more to improve your gig scores

    Which is crazy, in my opinion. Since the change to scores I've been at a 4 - initially it said because of bad communication or something like that, which didn't make sense at all.

    I spoke with Fiverr Support about it and they agreed, my theory being that it was caused by spam messages I instantly reported instead of responding to them first.
    That comment was removed, and I'm still stuck at 4. No idea what Fiverr wants from me now, since my gigs don't have individual scores (and never did) or comments on them.

    Edit: Scratch that, just gone to look at my tickets again. The actual reason was "conflict free orders", which I argued against because none of my orders had been cancelled or even required revisions. The response from support was that when they checked, they were "unable to see the negative impact of conflict-free orders on our end", which coincided with the comment disappearing from my level overview. Still leaves me not knowing what they want from me 😅

    The spam message thing was a separate issue with my response rate, which they also fixed.

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  2. On 1/10/2024 at 7:53 AM, mdfiroz80 said:

    I did gig marketing on social media. But clicks are not increasing

    Because that's not how it works.

    The 'click' stat tracks when someone clicks on your gig through Fiverr's search. Spamming your gig on social media obviously isn't going to affect that, since it's a different site.

    It's old advice that was originally intended to stop people from relying entirely on Fiverr to spoon-feed them orders, but is now constantly being misused by "professionals" to claim that it'll fix all your problems.

    Spoiler Alert: It won't. 

    I mean.. Really? The person you're taking advice from is allegedly a "Mentor" here, but if you take two seconds to look further they joined the site 7 days ago! They've yet to make a single sale, and all they post is nonsense. Take for example, their own woes about the exact same issue you have..

    "I'm constantly marketing my gigs but I haven't received any orders yet" -rashed_50

    Or how about...

    "even after being online 24 hours a day and constantly marketing giveaways, the gig impression is very low and the key leak is very bad" -rashed_50

    Begs the question, why are they giving the same advice that they claim is not working for them? It's just bizarre. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, shekander123 said:

    How to rank on 1st page?

    If there was a guaranteed method of doing that, everyone would be doing it. And since there's only a limited number of spots on each page, you'd probably just be in the same spot anyway.

    There are no secrets or tricks to forcing your gig to show up on one of the first few pages - just be a quality seller, make some sales, and who knows maybe one day you'll be up there. I guess you could pay for promoted gigs, but that feature isn't available to new sellers.

    If you're new to selling on the site and don't know where to start, I suggest you read this post:

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  4. 6 minutes ago, glow_writer said:

    You have never answered I don't know to a question all your life?

    Sure, if I was being asked directly and didn't know the answer.

    But that's not the same as responding to a question on a public forum just to say "I don't know". You aren't obligated to respond to every post you see.

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  5. 29 minutes ago, vibronx said:

    it's a horrible look

    It really is. I was away from Fiverr for a few years, and returning to see that the forum still has those issues was disappointing. I was surprised to see you, and others, still having to correct people after all that time. Patience of a saint.

    I think if I were completely new to the site I'd have just ignored the forum entirely because on the surface, most posts just look like spam. There really should be some required reading that debunks common rumours before people are allowed to post here.

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  6. 1 hour ago, omarfaruque123 said:

    a lot of seller talk about that

    Because they refuse to accept that it doesn't actually help.

    And then they watch youtube videos made by people that claim to be "fiverr gurus" that don't actually sell on the site themselves, and frequently suggest staying online 24/7.

    Every time people say it doesn't help, there's a dozen sellers that completely ignore them and reply to the OP insisting that it does work. That myth has been around for years, and it will never stop because these people simply don't listen.

    If it doesn't fit their get rich quick scheme, they don't want to know. This forum has always had a serious issue with new sellers parroting misinformation, and short of mass-recruiting mods I'm not sure there's any real way to stop it. Even then, removing/correcting those posts would be never-ending work.

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  7. 32 minutes ago, hadayetullah1 said:

    Please Share your Gig service on social media platforms. I think it will help your gig impressions with buyers.

    6 minutes ago, farhanaboby856 said:

    Share your Gig on social media platforms, and active online.

    That won't affect impressions.

    Impressions are just when your gig shows up in Fiverr search - that's literally all they are. If you pull up a search in any category, every seller on that first page gets 1 impression from you. If you go to the second page, everyone on that page gets an impression.

    So while yes, it is important to know how to market yourself, doing that will not change your impressions.

    Being online will also not affect that. That's a myth that has been debunked by Fiverr staff several times.

    • Like 12
  8. 10 hours ago, blueinarts said:

    there should be a valid reason behind such a decision

    Even something as simple as "this buyer was difficult to work with" is a valid reason. It has always been a valid reason. As freelancers we should have the option to not work with someone we do not want to work with.

    As has already been stated in this thread, that doesn't necessarily mean they've broken a rule. You don't have to break a rule to be difficult to work with, so it seems a bit excessive to have to report someone for the simple offense of being annoying.


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  9. 1 hour ago, anira_pro said:

    Active online

    No matter how many times you say it, this will never be true.

    Being online does not affect your performance or whether or not someone will buy from you.

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  10. It's against ToS to communicate outside of Fiverr. Never agree to someone suggesting you do that - even if you don't end up getting scammed, your Fiverr account will most likely get banned.

    It's also against forum rules to post buyer/seller names. You're better off just reporting that person to Fiverr Support, given that they broke ToS when they suggested conducting business outside of Fiverr.

    • Like 7
  11. 21 hours ago, madrajeepixels said:

    Which is best Choose for me?

    I think these people are going about it the wrong way.

    What you should be asking yourself is what services can you provide that someone would want to pay for. It shouldn't matter if the category has a ton of competition or not.

    And there's nothing stopping you from making multiple gigs, so why don't you just focus on what you're good at?

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  12. 16 minutes ago, fender6 said:

    This buyer (REDACTED) is currently blocked by your platform

    If that were the case you wouldn't be able to access their profile (they're also online at the time of my comment). That button in your screenshot is just there in case you want to block the buyer.

    You should have that button for anyone you've had messages/orders from on the site.

    Also, it's against forum rules to post buyer names. You should probably remove that and censor the screenshot.

    • Like 4
  13. 24 minutes ago, paulantu said:

    What is the proper meaning of "Stay Active"?

    Maximum people think a green light displayed means I am active. But, Is it the proper definition for ACTIVE?

    Well yes, that's what I assumed you meant. That's what people usually mean when they parrot "stay active" whenever someone on the forum asks for advice.

    • Like 7
  14. 23 minutes ago, paulantu said:

    For everyone, the solution is the same.

    02. Stay active

    Staying active has nothing to do with whether or not someone will buy from you. That's a myth that has been debunked by Fiverr staff several times.

    There's no reason to artificially ensure you stay online when you aren't actually active - all you'll do is irritate buyers that message you expecting a quick response, and don't get one.

    I'm sure most would agree, the majority of messages and orders you receive will happen when you're offline.

    Luck is also an iffy one. You can be the luckiest person in the world, but if the end product isn't good you won't go that far.

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  15. 1 hour ago, saiduradspro said:

    Stay Active On fiverr 

    Spreading misinformation. Nice.

    Staying online has no bearing on whether or not someone will buy from you. It doesn't affect your gig's placement in search either - that's been debunked by Fiverr staff several times.

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  16. I doubt anyone is going to be able to give you the answer you want here.

    There's nothing you personally can do to make your gig hit the front page. Nobody here can tell you how the Fiverr algorithm works.

    The only thing you can do is ensure that your gigs are attractive to buyers. That way, if you do end up hitting the front page, you'll have a higher chance of getting buyers.

    • Like 8
  17. On 11/17/2023 at 5:13 AM, btgrafix said:

    How do I create my gig description and FAQ? Thank you!

    As in literally how does it work?

    Start by clicking 'Create a new Gig' on your profile. You have to fill out the Overview and Pricing tabs before you can move onto Description & FAQ.

    Or if you're asking what your description and FAQ should be, it's hard to answer that without knowing what you're trying to sell. If you really can't think of how to describe your service, take a look at other sellers in your category and see what they did. Don't actually copy them - just use them to get an idea of what you should be writing.


    • Like 24
  18. Where do I start...


    It is not necessary to always search for the tags and descriptions, it can help you to create your gig tags and descriptions all the time whether you are new or not but producing skills in yourself is the most important part of this field



    Remain online on Fiverr to attract the buyer

    It's been confirmed by Fiverr staff several times that this does not help. All that will happen is the people that do message you will assume you're active, and get frustrated when you don't respond. Good way to tank your response rate and irritate potential customers.


    Copy top-ranked gigs

    Do not do this. If your English isn't good enough to write a suitable gig description, work on improving your English instead of copying someone else's work. Why do you think plagiarism is okay?


    You aren't fluent in English. Why are you lying on your profile? This entire post is just weird.


    Collected from LinkedIn by Hafiz Basit Ali

    Ah, there it is. This entire post has just been copied from somebody else.

    For context, this guy's job is to give tips on how to be a freelancer on Fiverr whilst not actually being a Fiverr seller himself. Why anyone would listen to this guy is beyond me - he clearly has no idea what he's talking about. I recall a few years ago someone mentioning a "fiverr guru" that gave them tips, and everyone was wondering who those gurus were because the advice was all incorrect. Hafiz appears to be one of them.

    @shahidfreelanc If you want actual advice given by people that use the site instead of just pretending they use the site, search the forum. I suggest you start here and sort by most viewed: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/forum/16-tips-for-sellers/

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  19. Quote

    Will I get more orders like that

    I've seen people complain that they don't get many orders after hitting level 1, but I don't think that's the actual reason for it.

    Personally, I think a buyer is more likely to purchase the services of a level 1 vs a new seller, assuming you have a good track record of 5* reviews. If you've got no bad private reviews I see no reason why you wouldn't continue to get orders.

    Think of it this way:

    If you see two identical products on Amazon, which are you more likely to buy? The one with a single 5* review, or the one with 20 5* reviews? I know which I'd choose.

    I think you're more likely to see an increase in orders, but Fiverr doesn't guarantee that'll happen.

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