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Posts posted by email_shanto

  1. On 4/20/2024 at 8:18 PM, hannakarlstrom said:


    Welcome as a new member! If you put good energy into Fiverr and truly want to succeed, there's a real chance! It doesn't matter how many other freelancers there are; if you put the right energy in and don't try to take shortcuts, you can succeed! Even as a newcomer, you can get clients before those at the top, which I have! There are clients who will look for sellers who aren't at the top, and those are the ones you should try to attract until you reach the top! Fiverr can become a great source of income, and I haven't been on Fiverr for long either, but I'm already making incredibly good income on Fiverr, and now I get clients almost every day, showing that I've done things right from the start and put a lot of time and love into my gigs, images, and portfolio. It's crucial if you want to succeed! If you use copied or generic images from Google for your gigs, you won't stand out and will just blend in! Take the time to do everything yourself, including gig descriptions! Put full energy into what you do! Here is some tips from me: 

    1. **Be Unique**: Create gigs that offer something unique and valuable to customers. Avoid copying others and focus on providing genuine value for money.
    2. **Optimize Your Gigs**: Spend time optimizing your gig titles, descriptions, and tags to make them more searchable. Use relevant keywords that potential clients are likely to use when searching for services like yours.
    3. **Quality Over Quantity**: Focus on delivering high-quality work rather than trying to offer the cheapest prices. Clients are willing to pay for quality, so ensure that your services stand out for their excellence.
    4. **Invest in Your Brand**: Take the time to create professional-looking gig images, write compelling gig descriptions, and build a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and previous work.
    5. **Engage with Clients**: Build strong relationships with your clients by providing excellent customer service and addressing their needs promptly. This will lead to positive reviews and repeat business.
    6. **Stand Out from the Crowd**: Differentiate yourself from your competitors by offering unique services, excellent customer service, and a memorable brand experience.
    7. **Focus on Quality**: Prioritize quality over quantity in your work. Deliver exceptional results to each client, and they'll be more likely to recommend you to others.
    8. **Manage Your Time Wisely**: Don't stress about not getting many orders in the beginning. Focus on delivering quality work to the clients who do reach out to you, and the orders will come.
    9. **Track Your Performance**: Keep track of your performance metrics, such as completion rate (CR) and click-through rate (CTR), and use them to identify areas for improvement and measure your progress.
    10. **Persistence Pays Off**: Success on Fiverr takes time and effort. Stay patient, keep improving your skills, and continue delivering excellent service, and you'll see results over time.

    If you're genuine, unique, and truly put passion and heart into your work, I personally believe that anyone can succeed. But standing out from the crowd is tough; however, do things wholeheartedly and take no shortcuts! Don't try to make quick money through shortcuts or quick fixes. Do it for real, and you'll stand out! That's the key for me!

    Remember, success on Fiverr is achievable with dedication, quality work, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. i wish you all the Good luck!

    Best Reguards 

    very informative, Thank you 

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